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Free Sms Masking Software For Mac

chacorabthy1978 2020. 2. 23. 11:21

Beware of SMS Company Without SBO LICENSE (IDA) in Singapore To operate and run SMS Services in Singapore, the company must have SBO (Services-Based Operator) License from IDA (Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore). It’s ILLEGAL if the company does not possess SBO LICENSE. There are many SMS Companies that are operating without SBO License, Local or International. Not only it’s illegal and against the law to use their service, your are jeopardizing your database security:. They usually use external Telcos to send your messages, some don’t even knows which Telcos your data ends up to, it might end up in any countries in Africa or Middle East, you never knows. Your messages will not be re-send if failed at first attempts.

If they don’t possess SBO LICENSE, very likely their service also NOT ENCRYPTED. Look at their Web Portal, or API Address, there is a big chance it’s not HTTPS (Encrypted). Non-Compliance to PDPA / PDPC. Ask your provider if they have SBO license. If not, you have the rights to terminate their service as it’s required by Law.

You are free to report to IDA if your provider does not possess SBO LICENSE. Fort Digital is SBO License compliance for all your peace of mind. This system is NOT Subscription based. NOT Online Based. NO Credit Purchase.

This system is utilizing any SIM CARD as medium of sending. To use this system, you just need: - Fort Digital Hardware SMS Broadcast System - A SIM CARD (we even give you one Free $0.014 per SMS SIM Card) - A PC (any Microsoft Windows includes Windows 7 & Vista) That’s all you need.

To start, insert your SIM CARD into the MODEM, then connect to your PC, and install “Fort Digital Hardware SMS Broadcast System Software”. You manage your sending jobs, address book, schedule, auto reply etc.

From the “Fort Digital Hardware SMS Broadcast System Software”.and all incoming and outgoing SMS will be sent or received via the MODEM with a SIM CARD inserted inside. Totally Offline, no Internet required. All your DATABASE is protected and secured in your PC, never upload anything to anywhere! While many SMS Service Companies charging you per SMS as high as 8 cents per SMS, With our system, you can now send per SMS as low as $0.014 per SMS (that’s right, 1.4 cents). Or it can be even UNLIMITED (almost free)to find out more, read all details below. “The only thing that people carry to their work, sleep and to toilet is mobile phoneDO YOU AGREE?SMS is one of the hell way to reach mass people DIRECTLY and INSTANTLY!” NOT Everybody Has Internet, NOT Everybody Checks E-Mails, NOT Everybody Opens Mail Boxes, BUT Everybody Reads SMS.

Free Sms Masking Software For Mac

Fort Digital Hardware SMS Broadcast System is one of the best SMS Broadcast system available in the market currently. Used by marketers, schools, clinics, property & insurance agents, to churches, mosque and organizations.is the only STANDARD in the market that can fulfill your needs.

It is a breakthrough technology that helps you save manhours and resources in executing your marketing objectives. It is not just an excellent tool to market your products but also an indispensable assistant in executing timely reminders and announcer so that no one is left out and nothing is missed. Technology hitherto used only by Big Corporations is now available to all at a very affordable price.

Unlike many other companies that offer SMS service via their server or web-based, our system is TRULY independent. We provide HARDWARE & SOFTWARE to let you do SMS campaign yourself. HOW IT WORKS?

Our SYSTEM comprises of 2 Items: Hardware (Modem) The size of your Thumb, with USB connection (No need adaptor. Power from USB). Just INSERT A SIM CARD into the hardware and plug it into your PC’s USB port.

That’s all!!! It can be any kind of SIM card from whatever Telcos from whatever countries, as far as GSM BAND (any frequency).

+ Fort Digital Hardware SMS Broadcast Software Is the “soul” of our system. Developed by a team of engineers from various countries, currently is the 3rd generation from it’s first developed 8 years back. With numerous features such as Auto Unsubscribe, Personalization, Auto Reply, Auto Birthday, Flash SMS, Unicode, etc.it’s the most complete solutions for small and medium users. Compatible with almost all Windows, XP, Vista, Windows 7.

(sorry no Macintosh). And PC Requirement is better Dual Core and above (although Pentium 4 still possible), 512 RAM, and 100Mb HD Space. Internet totally doesn’t required as you broadcast via the SIM CARD, not internet. ADVANTAGES OF USING THIS SYSTEM SPECIAL PLAN: We have special SMS plan.

Only 1.4 cents per SMS, it’s the lowest rate you can find in town. PROMOTIONS: EACH OF OUR SMS SYSTEM NOW BUNDLE WITH A SIM CARD AND PRELOADED 2,000 SMS INSIDE. AND WHAT'S GREAT, EVERY 2,000 SMS COST YOU LESS THAN S$28, OR 1.4 CENTS (S$0.014) PER SMS!! UNLIMITED PLANS: Yes, you can even send unlimited SMS.

Independent System - Not Web Based Many companies offer SERVICES to SMS for you.via their website / server. Do you trust your database with them? How do you know they sent out all SMS? Our SMS System is purely INDEPENDENT, we provide you the HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE that installed in your computer for you to do the SMS campaign yourself. If you can DO IT YOURSELF, why should you depend on others? No Subscription Fee – No Credit System – Nothing.

Just One Time Investment You do not have to pay us for the SMSes you sent. With our system, you simply insert your own SIM card into the Modem that you get yourself from any telco companies in your countries. You pay to the Telco companies, not to us. Get those good promotions from Telco companies that allow you to send unlimited SMSesand you will see how much saving you can get using our system. No Internet Required To broadcast, you need not to find an Internet Connection. Just plug the hardware into the USB, start the application and off you go.

Free Sms Masking Software For Mac Download

Keep Your Own Database You need not to upload your database into server. The application is Desktop Based, installed in your PC, with the database stored entirely in your PC. Cost per SMS Low While many companies offering such services and charge you 6 to 10 cents per SMS, you can now SAVE almost ten times using our system. Basically the only cost of sending of the SMS depends on the SIM CARD plan.

And there are many plans that allowed you to send at very low cost. One Of The Fastest Sending / Broadcast System We are proud to say our system is the fastest in the market that able to broadcast SMSes as fast as 4 seconds - 5 seconds per SMS using one of the fastest chipset in our Hardware Unit. In 1 hour you can reach up to 700 persons or more. The Only System That Have Auto Un-Subscribe With the new ANTI-SPAM law enacted in many countries, you will not break the law when using our system when broadcasting to ten of thousands of people.

The AUTO UN-SUBSCRIBE feature let recipient to SMS back unsubscribe code such as UN and their contacts will be removed. Send Out “Personalized” Sms You can “mail-merge” each recipient’s variable into SMS, example: You compose SMS “Dear, your insurance expire at and your bonus point ” Recipient will receive “Dear John, your insurance expire at 23 Jan 2009 and your bonus point 250” Powerful Scheduling, Repeating & Birthday System Example scenario: Client’s appointment/meeting next week 10TH June 10 AM.

You pre-set Reminder SMS into the system, to send on 9 TH June, one day before actual day. Next week, on 9TH June, system will automatically send out the reminder SMS to either Group or Individual.

You SAVE GREAT TIME to remind or call them one by one, effective, fast and most importantautomatic Also, the auto Birthday Message sender and Create Repeating SMS will definitely save you tons of time and effort. Powerful Auto Reply Functions There are 3 Auto reply functions, means the system is smart enough to reply back all incoming SMS Automatically. You can use this system as Customer Service, Lucky Draw, Booking System, and many more. Auto Registration/Subscribe Feature Now you can ask anybody to register themselves into your address book. Just tell them to sms REG to your system.i.e. 'REG MICHAEL' And system is smart enough to add their number and name into address book and special group.

So you need not add them manually anymore. Send Unicode Language Chinese, Japanese, Arabs, etc You can send whatever language you want. And you can send long message or concatenate message or truncated message.all your choice. Send FLASH SMS (Force People To Read And Auto Delete) It’s very new technology from us. You can opt to send the SMS in FLASH.

Means,when the SMS reach recipient’s mobile phone, it will open the message straight away and display on the screen without have to go to inbox and open. It force the recipient to read whether they like it or not.

It’s extremely powerful way to capture someone attentions. And other SMS wont comes in until they close it. Also, after they close/dismiss the message, the message will Auto Delete from phone memory.

Save time to do unsubscribe for some. It works on all handphone set. Check out below video presentation if you still don't understand: USES There are many uses for different indsutry, FEATURES & SCREENSHOT SETUP 1.

This is the command for AUTO UNSUBSCRIBE. By default is UN. Once your customer SMS UN to your system, his contact will be removed from Contacts and automatically moved to Unsubscribe Contacts 2. After somebody unsubscribe, they will be replied with this confirmation message, you can change to your own message. If this box left empty, there won’t be any confirmation message send back to customer. Set your Country Code, this value is compulsory. This Country Code is depends on which country your SIM CARD belongs to.

Default is +65 (Singapore) 4. Set Birthday Default Time. Example, you set 11.35 in this setup, so everyday at 11.35 the system will start to check entire database for that day birthdays and send all jobs to OUTBOX to send out all greetings. Set a Default Birthday Message Template. All birthday greetings will follow this template. You can also integrate Contact Variable into the message such as “Dear Happy Birthday” 6 & 7.

Enable “Universal Auto Reply” or “Auto Response SMS” means whatever SMS comes in (incoming), system will automatically reply back with this single message such as “ Thank You for contacting us, we will get back to you as soon as possible”. GROUPS You can create unlimited GROUP and CONTACTS, one contact can be in multiple groups.

CONTACTS (ADDRESS BOOK) After created a GROUP, now you can start to input your customer contact. Always remember, there are 2 ways to input your database. First, Manually key in one-by-one here and second way is by IMPORT Database.

There are rules for the number duplications: - Same number will not be added to the same group, but - Same number can be added to different group You can create unlimited GROUP and CONTACTS, one contact can be in multiple groups. Key in your contact mobile number here.

For International number, must start with + sign, follow with country code and phone number. Name of the contact 3.

Select which GROUP this contact belongs to. You can add more than 1 Group for this contact. There are 5 custom blank fields for each contact for you to key in their Contact Variable. And you can use these value from F1 to F5 to send Personalized SMS. Example: when you compose SMS like “Hi, your bonus point is and renewal date is ” Your customer will receive “Hi John, your bonus point is 250 and renewal date is 23 Jan 2009” 5 & 6.

If you want the system to send BIRTHDAY Greeting Automatically every year without miss, tick the box and set the contact’s birthday, set the correct DAY and MONTH will do, year not important. See page 14 point 7 to set default time to send out birthday greeting. CREATE SMS JOB You can choose send to either ways: - Individual (select contacts one by one) or/and - Groups (all member inside will be selected), or/and - Quick Key In the mobile numbers directly into Quick Send Box or/and - Copy and Paste list of numbers from your spreadsheet to the Quick Send Box 1. If you want to send SMS directly, without have to add the contact in ADDRESS BOOK, simply key in her/his number here. You can key in multiple numbers here, separating by ENTER.

Or you can simply COPY AND PASTE from your excel/notepad list of phone numbers into this box. Example: 912456 2. If you want to send to CONTACTS you already added previously, click this button. And you will see new window appears where you can select which random CONTACTS you want to send to. If you want to send to GROUPS you already added previously, click this button. And you will see new window appears where you can select which random GROUPS you want to send to.

This MESSAGE box is where you type in your messages. Remember, One SMS is 160 (Standard) or 70 (Unicode) character, exceed 1 character to 161 consider Two SMS, try to keep within 160 character, otherwise you will pay double cost and double sending time.

International standard cap MAXIMUM 3 x 160 = 480 characters.so don’t send something exceed 480 characters to avoid problem receiving. The message count will appear under the box.

You can integrate CONTACT VARIABLE into message box.example: “Hi, your bonus point is and renewal date is ” Your customer will receive “Hi John, your bonus point is 250 and renewal date is 23 Jan 2009” 6. If you want to use any pre-created SMS Template, simply select by click at drop down selection. After you select any template, you can still modify it by click at MESSAGE box one time, the template will appear and you can modify them further. If you want to send FLASH SMS, tick this option.

It’s very new technology from us. You can opt to send the SMS in FLASH. Means when the SMS reach recipient’s mobile phone, it will open the message straight away and display on the screen without have to go to inbox and open. It force the recipient to read whether they like it or not. And other SMS wont comes in until they close it. Also, after they close the message/dismiss, the message will Auto Delete from phone memory. Save time to do unsubscribe for some.


It works on all handphone set. If you going to send more than 160 charcaters you can adjust whether you want the recipient to receive as ONE long SMS or TWO or more separated SMS. Default is CONCATENATE means long SMS. If the Messages in UNICODE (Chinese, Japanese, etc), you must select “Unicode Alphabet” otherwise the message will failed to be sent out. If all of are in a,b,c,d, etc or LATIN alphabet, select “Default Alphabet”. DEFAULT ALPHABET One SMS is 160 Characters.

UNICODE ALPHABET One SMS is 70 Characters. If you ready to send SMS, click this button. Your message now will goes to OUTBOX COPY & PASTE SENDING METHOD This method is for “Lazy People” who doesn’t want to do Data Import or Manual Key in. So this COPY & PASTE method is the most fastest and efficient way of sending SMS.if you are lazy type. OUTBOX All outgoing SMS will be shown here. One by one the SMS will be send out and jump to either SENT BOX or FAILED BOX.

SENT BOX Once the SMS successfully sent out, it will appears in this SENT BOX. FAILED BOX Once the SMS NOT successfully sent out due to many reasons such as: - Invalid numbers, SIM CARD not enough credits, Any other technical reasons. INBOX All INCOMING SMS will appears in INBOX. CREATE SCHEDULE SMS 1 & 2. Set a REMINDER / SCHEDULED SMS?

Pre-create SMS job today, and let the system send out the SMS at the DATE & TIME specified by you. By default, the selection for DATE is NOW and TIME is IMMEDIATE, means once you hit at SEND SMS button, it will be sent right away.

But, you can select some pre-define TIME and DATE.such as TomorrowMorning 9etc. You can also select CUSTOM DATE and CUSTOM TIME by selecting the calendar appears below. Once you click SEND button, the SCHEDULE SMS JOB will not goes to OUTBOX, but it will goes to SCHDEULED SMS BOX. REPEATING SMS Remind your customer every week for 5 week? You can create REPEATING JOBS AUTO REPLY 1: CONTACT’S VARIABLE (F1 – F5) Not only you can send out PERSONALIZED SMS such as “Hi, your bonus point is and renewal date is ” Your customer will receive “Hi John, your bonus point is 250 and renewal date is 23 Jan 2009” Now your customer also able to SMS TO YOUR SYSTEM to GET this variables.

Example, when customer SMS “#F1” to your system, the system will check his/her mobile number in database, if match, it will reply back “ 250” When customer SMS “ #F2”, it will reply back “ 23 Jan 2009” and so on. With this features, instead of keep answering calls to tell your customer their variables (for example their expiry date), you can just ask them to SMS F1-F5 into the system and everybody will get auto reply with their own variables. AUTO REPLY 2: SPECIFIC AUTO REPLY Do you want to use this system as answering machine to specific value you set? For example: you preset an Auto Reply value into the system such as: Receive: #rates Response: our rate is now 2.5 When anybody SMS “ #rates” to your system, the system will reply back “ our rate is now 2.5”. This Specific Reply function doesn’t require the person’s contact exist in your Contact Database. Unlike the Contact’s Variable F1 – F5 explained above, where it required the contacts to be exist in the database in order to reply back the F1 – F5 value back to customer. This Specific Reply simply reply back to whoever SMS in the exact code.

You can basically add unlimited responses into the system according to your needs. AUTO REPLY 3: UNIVERSAL AUTO REPLY Is called “Universal Auto Reply”, means if you enable this feature, all incoming/replies SMS into the system will be Automatically replied with a single SMS Message set by you. Example, your “Universal Auto Reply” message is “Thank You for contacting us, we will get back to you as soon as possible” And when anybody SMS to your system any message, whether it’s a feedback, complaints, enquires or whateverautomatically the system will reply them back “Thank You for contacting us, we will get back to you as soon as possible” SMS TEMPLATE Lazy to type same SMS message every time?

Why don’t pre create some standard SMS template for you to quick use. This also good to prevent human error in composing SMS message. You can also integrate CONTACT VARIABLE into the template. POWERFUL AUTO UNSUBSCRIBE FEATURES.